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Simplifying onboarding flow for enterprise customers








During 2021 Mentimeter set up a goal of “Winning Enterprise”. As a designer in the enterprise team, Johanna was part of building the first real enterprise product for the company. As enterprise customer had become a top-priority the team decided to redesign one of the worst and most important experiences for this customer segment - the onboarding of new team members.


Continuous research efforts showed that getting all members to join an enterprise account was very difficult. The scenario of multiuse leads to accepting the invitation with the wrong account and if the invitee is already paying for Mentimeter it was not possible to join. The goal was to make more users join teams successfully with less friction and confusion.

Final flow

Final flow

Final flow


A new flow which included in-context modals as well as more specific error messages. This enabled the flow to both get shorter in most cases, as well as give more reassuring and detailed information which was previously lost.

Before and after error messages. After shows more variations with specific errors and guidance on how to move forward

Error messages before and after

Before and after error messages. After shows more variations with specific errors and guidance on how to move forward

Error messages before and after

Before and after error messages. After shows more variations with specific errors and guidance on how to move forward

Error messages before and after

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