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Semi-automating repayment of loans







Thubail semi-automating repayment of loans. Two phones with chat interface
Thubail semi-automating repayment of loans. Two phones with chat interface
Thubail semi-automating repayment of loans. Two phones with chat interface


For this banking client’s customer support department the most time-consuming type of inquiry were repayment of loans (used 23% of time spent). The majority of the time was spent on back-and-forth conversations regarding the documentation needed in order to do an early repayment of a loan. This process could only be done through phone.


Automating the first phone call, which consisted of just gathering information and guiding the customer on how to find the documents needed through the bot, it could save many hours of work every month.

Anti money-laundering information

Anti money-laundering information

Anti money-laundering information


A new flow to the chat bot based on research was created after in-depth interviews. Important findings regarding how to inform users on financial regulatory frameworks in a respectful manner as well as including better guidance on how to find documentation were included in the new chat bot flow.

User journey map based on in-dept interviews

User journey map based on in-dept interviews

User journey map based on in-dept interviews

End-of conversation guidance on next steps

End-of conversation guidance on next steps

End-of conversation guidance on next steps


After a month of the release of the MVP:

  • 155 inquiries regarding repayment of loans were automated through the bot

  • 87,5% of all customers that entered the flow said they got help with their question

  • The vast majority of customers that created an inquiry followed the next steps of providing documentation correctly

  • The bank was very satisfied with these results and customer support agents were happy that this simplified their work flow.

    Next steps include making some adjustments to the flow as well as adding extra payments of loans.

Increasing the team’s design maturity

Johanna introduced a UX writer in the bot team for the first time. She was also responsible for brining in user interviews and several rounds of feedback from the customer support agents, something that was normally skipped at the bank.

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