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Introducing generative AI to one of Sweden's biggest retailers
The company's automation team was in a phase of introducing new generative AI technology to streamline customer support operations. This transition from a traditional logic-based bot to an AI-based bot required the team to rethink the user experience and adapt the UI accordingly.
Setting up these first generative AI bots aimed at understanding the usage patterns through internal launches in different departments. The learning outcomes would eventually lead to external customer-facing releases.
UI changes; including bigger message bubbles to accommodate longer text, inclusion of sources, and a system message to instill trust; were made to adjust for the new strengths and pitfalls of AI-powered bots.
Feedback through different focus groups and a diary study for the MVP bot were conducted and further iterations were made. Suggested follow-up questions to prompt the desired behavior to ask specific questions (which resulted in better answers) were added. The bot also got integrated into MS Teams to be closer to the users everyday context.
There were 3 different pilots launched in the fall 2024. After feedback from test users these were the findings:
All were approved for continuation and scaleup
Several new departments lined up to also get an AI bot
Work regarding integrating partly AI-driven bots for customer support agents was approved